Page layouts Add to shortcut list

Bootstrap by default offers a powerful grid system and a few wrapping containers for laying out your project. Layout component created specifically for the Elephant, allows full and effective control on regions such as: header, footer, sidebar and content. By changing variable values stated in _variables.scss file, under the section Layout you can change these region’s dimensions, colours, etc.
Sidebar sticky* - by scrolling up and down the page, the menu placed on the sidebar moves along with the content until the bottom of the menu is reached. (inspired by WordPress)

Static layout
Static layout

Regions: header, sidebar, content.

Static layout with footer
Static layout with footer

Regions: header, footer, sidebar, content.

Sidebar sticky*
Sidebar sticky

Regions: header, footer, sidebar, content.

Sidebar sticky* collapsed
Sidebar sticky collapsed

Regions: header, footer, sidebar, content.

Header fixed
Header fixed

Regions: header, footer, sidebar, content.

Header and sidebar fixed
Header and sidebar fixed

Regions: header, footer, sidebar, content.

Footer fixed
Footer fixed

Regions: header, footer, sidebar, content.

+ Other combinations
Plus other combinations

Regions: header, footer, sidebar, content.

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  • Theme Settings
  • Header fixed
  • Sidebar fixed
  • Sidebar sticky*
  • Sidebar collapsed
  • Footer fixed
  • Sidebar sticky* - by scrolling up and down the page, the menu placed on the sidebar moves along with the content until the bottom of the menu is reached. Learn more